Lovers of Standard, Angora and EU Polecat Hybrid Ferrets
Quality, Health, Structure and Temperament
are ALWAYS first and foremost in my breeding program.
Our Ferretry is located in Kentucky.
We support our troops and are veterans from the United States Military.
Our family has 3 Shiloh Shepherd's named Gotham, Bellatrix & Arkham
3 Horses Finn, Magic & Dillion
a Miniature Donkey named Snickerdoodle &
we also have 2 Oriental Shorthairs named Yoda & Gizmo
and 2 Sphynx cats named Dobby & Goblin.
We proudly support ALL registered ferret rescues & shelters
our pets are number one in our lives they always come first
they are our children in little fur coats.
We are both NRA Trained/Certified Instructors in multiple Disciplines & Range Safety Officers
we are Nationally Accredited & Certified Level 2 Archery Instructor for USA Archery.
I am a licensed structure judge in several different countries (Ferrets)
& volunteer as a Unit Commissioners for BSA (Boyscouts of America)
alot of our free time is spent volunteering with Boy Scouts of America
we are actively involved & help run their Shooting Sports & Archery Programs.
I have loved and owned ferrets for over 20 Years.
I am a PROUD member of The American Ferret Association, The Heart of Ohio Ferret Association,
The Ferret Breeders Network & The Angora Ferret Enthusiast.