~ Kit Tips ~
1. Adequate Housing ~ Make sure that the cage you choose is safe and has floors ferrets should never stand on bars (Ferret Nation) is the best commercial cage available on the market you should also have a hammock set up for lounging and blankets/round beds for snuggling up inside.
- 2. Litter ~ It's always best to use untreated paper pellets, equine pellets, or yesterdays news. Absolutely do not ever use rock/dust or clumping litter.
- Ferrets have very sensitive respiratory systems.
- 3. Raw ~ We feed our kits FDR (Freeze Dried Raw) & Super Fine Raw Grinds
- We expect you to continue feeding raw unless previously discussed
- if your family is unable to feed raw high quality kibble is acceptable.
- 4. Kibble ~ If your ferret will be kibble fed food must be kept down 24/7
- Some good quality kibbles on the market are
- Young Again Zero, Ziwi Peak, Squarepet Turkey/Chicken, Dr Elsey Clean Protein Natures Variety Raw Boost, Wysong, Orijen, Totally Ferret.
- 5. Toys ~ Ferrets love to play and war dance
- they love jingly balls, tunnels, dig boxes, ball pits,
- toys dangling from a strings, chirping toys and light up balls are a favorite. ( No Latex or Rubber )
- 6. Water bottle ~ Kits need to have access to both water bottles
and heavy glass bowls that they cannot tip.
7. Veterinarian ~ Make sure you have an EXOTICS veterinarian near you that is knowledge and knows about ferrets and is confident in treating them.
- 8. Ferret Proof ~ Block up all holes in your home and remove any foam/rubber items. If foam/rubber/latex is eaten it could cause a blockage. Stair cases should be enclosed or blocked off so the kit can’t jump up or fall off from a far height it could kill/severely inquire your ferret. All nooks and crannies should be closed up tight.
- Make sure to check under dishwashers and fridges.
- ~ Bringing Your Kit Home ~
- Bringing home your new baby is very exciting but you have to remember it is also a BIG transition for the kit. They will be away from there siblings and everything familiar. Although we do our best to prepare them for the move it is still a big change to a little kit. Don’t overwhelm them and remember to take things slowly.
We socialise them around our cats and dogs along with everyday household noises like the vacuum/tv ect they may be a bit nervous and unsure.
- Give them a couple of days to settle into their new home and to get use to all the sounds and smells around them. Cuddle them and talk to them so they start to recognise your voice. After a day or two and they have had a chance to settle down some I would slowly introduce them to the play area only let them explore one room at a time taking things slow it will help them build their confidence and make the transition alot smoother for you and your baby.
and heavy glass bowls that they cannot tip.
7. Veterinarian ~ Make sure you have an EXOTICS veterinarian near you that is knowledge and knows about ferrets and is confident in treating them.
We socialise them around our cats and dogs along with everyday household noises like the vacuum/tv ect they may be a bit nervous and unsure.